My #teacher5aday pledge for 2017


I will continue to build my PLN through twitter, participating in and hosting twitter chats covering a range of interests. I will also attend as many teachmeets, conferences and subject co-ordinator meetings as I can. Finally, I will make more use of this blog to share my ideas and experiences with others. I am also taking part in the #WeeklyBlogChallenge17 to make sure I am blogging regularly.


I would like 2017 to be the year I really embrace physical computing in my teaching. I will begin by learning programming languages such as Scratch and Python in more depth, and by utilising my Codeybot in school. I will then use Raspberry Pis in school to bring physical computing within reach of all the children I teach.


This year, I intend to redouble my efforts to notice the more subtle changes in behaviour in children. I am very fortunate to teach children from FS through to Key Stage 2 and teach many siblings. That gives me the opportunity to observe and see patterns of behaviour not only in individual children but also families. Sharing these cues with class teachers can help pick up when children may have issues impacting on their ability to learn.


I will continue to cycle to work whenever possible, and in the winter months to come get to a gym a couple of days a week before school. In past years I have built my fitness to a good level through cycling to work, now it is time to focus on diet – just because I ride my bike now and again, I can’t just eat and drink what I want. If I tell myself that often enough, I might start to believe it…


This one is a bit more selfish – I will give time to my own friends and family outside of school time and make an effort to connect with old friends more often. Simple as that!

My #teacher5aday pledge for 2017

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